Sunday, August 5, 2007

Some New Days

I shut off the air conditioner today and opened all of the windows in the house (sparing the one with the broken screen for the kitties sake) to let the sun and breeze blow away the cobwebs inside. The space we've been living in is really great and I know that it will make whoever takes over our lease very happy, but right now the prospect of being in a new space is overwhelmingly exciting. Any time there's hardship or change in my life I'm ready to leave everything behind and move to a new city, but when that's not possible (which of course it rarely is) I get stuck in ruts. Hemingway calls them the mean blacks. I call them fucking depressed. But I realize that the urge for movement doesn't have to be hundreds of miles away. Setting up shop in a new house with good people nearby and a new gigantic room with so much potential for personal expression is keeping my head above water, even without my ever-loving crutch, soothsayer, and best friend to help me. That doesn't mean everything has stopped aching, what it means is that the ache is dull and fading, a healthy way to heal instead of hours of violent sobbing, drunken vomiting, and pounding hangover headaches. In comparison, this morning and day has left me feeling pretty normal...and pretty great.

In the excitement of decorating my new home I've been looking for inspiration for my room color. I found these screen prints by Julie Kaffe from Pittsburgh, PA from (surprise) another person's blog. I think that I'm going to paint the wall behind my bed in one of the red or green colors from these prints and then evenly space the postcards around the rest of the walls creating a kind of border a little over half way up the wall. I may have to alter this plan due to money restrictions, but these prints are cute and kind of non-descript and have become my basis for inspiration. Check out her site

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